[Release Date: September 28, 2021] Esport is in some ways similar to traditional sport competitions, but in other ways is a totally new kind of enterprise.
Category: The Podcast
[Release Date: September 14, 2021] When people talk about games and ethics, it’s almost always about potential moral problems with gaming – things like violence, sexism,
[Release Date: August 31, 2021] We’re used to thinking about games as fantasy worlds we escape to, while leaving our bodies behind. In this traditional perspective
[Release Date: August 24, 2021] This is the second episode in our “Andy and Shlomo design a game” series. In this game, we want to
[Release Date: August 17, 2021] In this episode we’ll be walking through a game, in this case ‘Dragon City’ a free-to-play game by Socialpoint games through
[Release Date: August 10, 2021] It seems obvious that we would respond differently to the moral dimension of a game that we’re playing, as opposed to
[Release Date: August 3, 2021] How can ethics play a role in game design? What’s the point of teaching of ethics to game design students? Our
[Release Date: July 27, 2021] Trolls are the jerks of the gaming world. They provoke, they insult, they disrupt, they get their gaming pleasure from messing
[Release Date: July 20, 2021] When it comes to the possibility that video games might harm kids, a common and classic position is that game companies
[Release Date: July 13, 2021] “Why do you play the games you do?” is a psychological question that describes your motives. But “why should you play
[Release Date: July 6, 2021] Gamers and non-gamers alike have plenty of complaints about the ways game companies supposedly act irresponsibly. But in this episode, we’re
[Release Date: June 29, 2021] When people point out sexism in games and game culture, the classic suggested prescription is that game companies need to hire
[Release Date: June 22, 2021] When kids play video games to the point where it interferes with their life, whose responsibility is it to help them
[Release Date: June 15, 2021] To take a bunch of different moral decisions in a game and count them in some way as if they’re
[Release Date: June 8, 2021] It’s one thing to design a game where the player is forced to make moral choices, and another to systemize those
[Release Date: June 1, 2021] How does consent come into play when it comes to gaming? We look at how the idea of player consent
[Release Date: May 25, 2021] Has a game ever made you stop and think about an ethical issue? How did it do that? In our
[Release Date: May 18, 2021] Intel announces the creation of an audio filter targeted for video games that will give players the power to do things
[Release Date: May 11, 2021] In 2009, 6 Days in Fallujah, the first major studio release of a game about a real ongoing war was
[Release Date: May 4, 2021] Games are sometimes criticized not just for having some immoral aspect like too much violence or unnecessarily sexualization, but of
[Release Date: Apr. 27, 2021] Most gamers believe that there’s nothing wrong with virtual murder in games. After all, none of it is real. No
[Release Date: Apr. 20, 2021] Yeah, we know the question may sound silly. But, like tobacco, video games can be addictive. Moreover, some video games
[Release Date: Apr. 13, 2021] Until 2018 Steam had a fairly conventional policy that among other things banned content that included hate speech, pornography, the
[Release Date: Apr. 6, 2021] In 2005 Atomic Games decided to do what no other game company to date had done: to produce a major-release
[Release Date: Mar. 20, 2021] Knowledge is power, and in the era of Big Data video game companies have a whole lot of information, which
Games are traditionally thought of as acting like magic circles. When we enter the game, we enter the magic circle and leave the real world