Episode 13: Morality Systems part 2 – Can we count the process?

[Release Date: June 15, 2021]  To take a bunch of different moral decisions in a game and count them in some way as if they’re related, comparable, or calculable requires a “morality system”.  Most morality systems in video games classify actions in black and white terms: good/bad, paragon/renegade.  But, our moral universe is full of grays that these systems miss out on. 

In part 1 of our exploration of morality systems, we looked at various types of morality systems and why it was so hard to quantify or even organize morality in the first place.  In part 2 we’ll look at how philosophers might try to count morality, check out Ultima IV’s unique virtue-based morality system, and see if we can count responsible ethical decision-making instead of being morally right or wrong.

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