Representation, Sexism, and Racism

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I’m a 12-year-old girl. Why don’t the characters in my apps look like me? (2015)

The Cake Is a Lie: Sexism Isn’t a Boss Gamer Girls Can Beat (2017)

Female Representation in Videogames Isn’t Getting Any Better (2019)

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Sexual harassment in the world of video gaming (2012)

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The State Of California Is Investigating Riot Games For Gender Discrimination [Update: Riot Responds] (2019)

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Dozens of Women in Gaming Speak Out About Sexism and Harassment (2020)

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Gaming While Male: A ‘Privilege’ Few Men Recognize (2014)

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A 12 year-old studies the weird cost of playing as a girl (2015)

Digital Arabs: Representation in video games by Vit Sisler, European Journal Of Cultural  Studies (2008)

For Better or Worse, ‘Resident Evil 5’ Exposes Racism (2009)

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Yearning To Be A ‘True Sport,’ E-Sports Group Changes Gender Rules (2014)

6 Sexist Video Game Problems Even Bigger Than the Breasts (2013)

Super Seducer is the last game we need in the #MeToo era (2018)