Episode 60 – Which monetization tactics are truly predatory? (with Elena Petrovskaya)

[Release Date: January 17, 2023] This is part 2 of our first two-part exploration of predatory monetization.  Our guest, Elena Petrovskaya has been researching player complaints about monetization and has categorized them into 35 different types of potentially predatory monetization techniques – from pay or wait to the use of battle passes to aggressive advertising and dark interface design patterns.  In part 1 we went over all of them.  If you haven’t listened to it yet, I highly recommend going  back and checking it out.  This time, we evaluate.  We ask what is supposed to be predatory in these techniques, which ones we think are not actually problematic, which ones we think are particularly problematic, and what, if anything, should be done about them in terms of regulation.

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